17 Moments Of Spring

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  1. Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Gorky Film Studio SEVENTEEN MOMENTS OF SPRING Part 4. From Yustas to Aleks. I’m still convinced that no one ofthe serious politicians of the West will ever start negotiationswith German SS or SD officials. However, since the order was received,I am starting their realizations. I believe that it canonly be executed, if I report to Himmler theinformation I received from you. Relying on his support, I couldsubsequently find those officials, who are trying to establish thechannels for such negotiations. I’ll write a “denunciation” to Himmler.The details I’ll organize here.

I will inform you aboutthe progress right away both in the confirmation of yourhypothesis and in its refutation. I do not see any other wayat this time for it. In the case of approval, please totransmit the “good” to Ervina. He is now closer to hisfailure than ever before. If he goes directly to Himmler, itwill the end immediately and nothing will save him.

Even ifHimmler would decide to play games with him a little.Although, hardly that would happen. Reichsfurer SS is not a saveperson to play games with. This is for tomorrow morning for him -Order him NOT to go to Himmler!-Yes, sir. Shtirlitz was driving to see Ervin.

By the morning he should havehad an answer from the Center. Ervin was an owner of a smallfirm repairing old record players. That gave him an opportunity totravel around the country, attending clients, and communicatingwith many different people. Move it faster! Move it faster! Just take a look at it,so many cars got stock now. If they fly back again now, nothingwill remain of us, but ruins.

No, today they will not fly again,I think. It is too cloudy today. “nowhere else in the world”,-thought Shtirlitz, policemen love to command as muchas here at home in my Germany”. Shtirlitz suddenly found himselfthinking that way about Germany, and was astonished by his own thought.He did think of Germany as a “home”.

A paradox, isn’t it? Certainly not.

He lived in Germany long timealready. He knew its people. And he believed in its future. He often recalled that day, when hesaw Ernst Thalman for the first time.

Ernst Thalmann, the German Communist,was walking in front of the column of demonstrators, and workers from allsides guarded this column. To be a soldier of the Revolution meansto have an unbreakable faith in it.

Such strong faithfulness, whichcan’t be broken even by death. That’s how once said Ernst Thalmann,the leader of German Communists. And Thelmann was a true soldierof the revolution to his last day. And he fought to the end to thehappiness of his people.

Pass quickly! -What is going on there?-The street is closed. – Pass along via the next street.– What actually has happened there?

Englishmen dropped some extralarge super-powerful bomb. Nothing remained at all.Everywhere ruins only. I am sorry, shtandartenfurer,it is forbidden to be here now. The field engineers fear thatthere are time bombs in there. – Well, this means then that we’lltake off to the Creator together.Did all the residents perish?

It is difficult to say yet.There were many ambulances around.Did any belongings remain intact?-What! You see it for yourself. Nothing left. — In Russian Language:Mommy! She was brought to the hospitalwith a severe brain concussion.

She was in a total shock. They dug for half-hour before shewas found under the fragments of the beaten brick. It was a truemiracle that she was still alive. She is a subhuman Polish woman.She gave birth to such a giant boy.She is not Polish.-And who is she then? Russian, Czech? In her passport it said thatshe is German. In her coat they found a passportof a German woman.Maybe it was not her coat at all?-May be.

What a great chubby little boy.Not less than five kilos. A real giant. Will you call the Gestapo yourselfor do you want me to do that? You make the call, but a bit later.We have still much work.

– Hello, frau Kinn.– Hello. I wanted to ask you onlya few questions. – Can you hear me?– Yes.

I will not disturb you longtime with my questions. – Who are you and where are from?– I am from the insurance company. What about my husband?Is he dead? I’d like to ask you, at thetime when the bomb fell, where was he in the apartment? He was in the shower room.

You, I see, had some dry fuelfor your water heater. In our company we get none of that.

My husband bought sometotally by a chance. I hope you are not tired yet? I brought you sad news,frau Kinn. We help to all, who suffered duringthat barbarous air bombardment. What aid would you want to obtain,while you are here in the hospital? You will be fully provided with food.

Your clothing will be prepare bythe time of your discharge from here. What a charming chubby little baby! -Is it a girl?-No, it’s a boy.Is he a noisy boy?-No. I haven’t heard his voice yet. The babies probably mustfrequently cry, do you know that? My own babies yelled terribly. My membranes would burst fromtheir howls.

My kids were born tiny. You havea big baby. And those big babies are the quiet ones. If you can,please, answer to one more question. For what sum of money wasinsured your property?

I do not really know.My husband was dealing with that. And with what bank branch,if you can recall that? It seems, the one on the cornerof Kurfurstendam and Kaunshtrasse.

That is branch 27.I will make all the inquiries. And the amount of the insurance?Do you think you could recall that? -It seems, is was for 10K Marks-It is a large sum of money.

A young mommy like you should nothave any stresses. I am a father of three children.All that stress can affect the milk for the little one. And youwill hear that he wouldn’t be happy. You must stop thinking about yourself.That selfish time for you has ended forever. From now on you must thinkfirstly about your little baby. Yes, I will not worry or cry. Where are your relatives?

Our companycould help them to come here. We cover trip expense and providesome housing shelter. Well, not hotels, of course.The hotels are broken or given to the army men. But we havenice private guest rooms. Where shell we send thisinformation to and to whom? My relatives remained in Konigsberg,I do not have any contacts with them. And what about your husband’s relatives?Whom shell we notify about the misfortune?

His all relatives are in Sweden.But I am uncomfortable writing to them. His uncle is a great friend of Germany,and we were asked not to write to him. Therefore we were sending lettersthrough the embassy or some one. Do you remember the address,by any chance?

I will first feed the baby, andthen will tell you the address. I will not interfere with this. While I am writing the addressof your uncle, Could you take a look if thereare any of your things there.

Those are a few things that werefound around your apartment building. In your situation even a smallsuitcase could be a great help. She recognized the suitcase instantly,the one with a radio transmitter inside.

Even small thing is a big help now days. His name is Franc Bakkinen.

He lives Gustav,Georg Platz, 25,Stockholm, Sweden.Are you tired?-Yes, a little.Please take a close look.-There are no our suitcases there. You may consider thisissue as resolved.

In a day or so I will let youknow the results. The commissions I charge for mywork are extremely low. I will be very grateful to you for that.

Himmler’s main office Chief Commander SS UbergruppenfuhrerGeneral Karl Wolf -General Wolf, they just calledfrom the airport. The plane is ready. But weather will change toworse in the evening. I am flying right now.Call the airport and let them know. Here is everything whatReichsfuhrer wants you to know. I’ll read this in the car. You willgo with me and then bring it all back.

You may not take these documents outside.There are three rather short notes in there. All right then.I will examine them here. Please call Shellenberg to come to my office me now.I just sent Wolf to Bern, Switzerlandto get in contact with Western Intelligence. – I think that was very wise of you.– This is just insane, Shellenberg! -This is insane and a crazy adventurism.

Are you talking about a possibilityof a failure of the entire operation? -I am talking about an entirecomplex set of possibilities.This all is your manipulation.You made me come to this step.

In the case of a failure of Wolf’strip all his documents will come to us first.First they will come to general Venz. I am sorry, I did not understand? They will come to Kaltenbrunner. And I do not know, where they willgo then, to Bormann or to me. And you know well what Borman willdo if he obtains such documents. Can you imagine the Fuhrer’sreaction is he sees them, especially with Bormann’sexplanations on top of that.

– I did analyze such a possibility.– What possibility? I did analyze the possibility thatthese documents would reach Bormann. First of all, Wolf is obligated totalk to the West only on behalf of field marshal Kesselring.He is subordinated to him in Italy. He is the deputy of commander in Italy.He is not under your subordination.

This is good. Did you think of this in advanceor it just came to you right now? It came to me, as soon asI learned about Wolf’s trip. – Please sit down.– Thank you. Would you like to have a smoke.

Himmler knew well that Shellenbergwas smoking only American “Camel” and never other cigarette brands.On the day America entered the war, he did ask Shelenberg: “Where doyou get the enemy cigarettes from?” Shellenberg laughed and answered: “Oncesome one smokes American cigarettes then one day he’ll betray his homeland”. Himmler did not forget that. I analyzed all possibilities,including the unpleasant ones.

What do you mean? What if Kesselring, or, in a worse case, his boss Goering, can prove their alibi in this matter? We will be able not to allow thisto happen by taking care of it in advance. Yes, we will. And you correctlyderived beyond the limits in this game for your deputy Kaltenbrunner. He will help us in our game withoutknowing that.

Him and Muller.This is good. What do you propose?-To kill two woodcocks by a single bullet.

This is not possible, but I amnot really a good hunter. The Fuhrer says that the alliesare about to break up. Which means that the break betweenthem is one of our primary tasks.

How do you think would react Stalinif he learns about the negotiations, which were conducted by GermanGeneral SS Wolf with the West. I can not predict his reaction precisely, but he will do something badagainst the West. I don’t doubt that. And as such, Wolf’s trip is alarge lie to Stalin created by us, which exactlywhat the Fuhrer wants?

Our legend: “negotiations” inreality is a bluff for Stalin. So that’s the way we will reportto the Fuhrer about the operation in the case of its failure. I willthink about the data that you said to me.

Do you want to know all thefine details of the plan? You may spear me from thevery fine details. Bur in such a matter every finedetail is very important though. What do you exactly mean by that? First, for the cover-up the operationwe’d have some one to sacrifice, some one fully non-related to us,for the negotiations with the West.

And then we will present materialsabout this person to Fuhrer. In such case this will be presentedas a victory of our intelligence.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov

“They uncovered insidious intentionsof the enemy”, that’s how Goebbels would say. Secondly, Wolf in Switzerland willbe monitored by thousands of eyes. Among them could be our own agents,who’d immediately report about that here. Who will get the messages? Who willreport? Whose agent: mine or Mueller’s? An intellectual specialist, who sensiblyevaluates the moment, or a blind fanatic?

Some crazy fanatic likeour Kaltenbrunner. So, I want that among the thousandof eyes of the western allied spies Wolf to be observed by 5-6 pairs ofmy eyes.

Wolf will not know about our people. Those agents will transferinformation directly to me. And that will be our third alibi. In the case of failure we willhave to sacrifice Wolf. The information we had aboutWolf will become our alibi. Whom do you want to send there?

For the part one of the project,Shellenberg had in mind Shtirlitz and the pastor whom he worked with.Do you have any specific people for that?-I do have good candidates. But I will not bother you withthose very fine details. You may go now.

Detective of the Gestapo – Did you call for me, shturmbanfurer?– Yes, Lenke. Take these photographs with thesuitcases and send them to the finger print examination.I covered them with a splendid Norwegian varnish. Great forfinger prints. Process them quick! Finger print expertise reply fromthe suitcase with a spy radio is here. The finger prints are discoveredon the spy transmitter and also on the suitcase.

Well,the imprints are not very good. Bring them here.

February 23, 1945, 09:00=09:00 AM Forces of 3rd Belorussian Front conductedthe offensives southwest of Koenigsberg. Forces of 1st Belorussian front withthe participation of the Polish army after a monthly siege liquidateda large group of enemies, and liberated the city of Poznan. Today, on February 23, 1945 wasannounced the order of supreme commanders-in-chief Mr. Stalin aboutthe 27th anniversary of the Red Army.

In the announcement the success ofthe winter offensive of Russian troops, who on 1 January, 1945 brought downon to the enemy unprecedented blow at the entire front line from theBaltic to the Carpathians. Broke through the 1200 km of powerfuldefense lines of the enemy and with heavy combats reached East Prussiaand the Visla river. 200 miles in length.

From Warsaw to the lower flow of Oderriver for 400 miles in length. Deep into German Silesia for 300 miles. After the 40 days of the Soviet Army offensive, the German fascists were banishedfrom 300 cities and towns.

100 military plants and 2400railway stations were captured. Controlling the network of railroadsof more than 15000 km Causing the enemy large lossesin manpower and materials.

Soviet government received the messagefrom the US President, Roosevelt with the greeting in honor of the 27thof anniversary of the Red Army. “in the expectation of our greatvictory over the Nazi butchers “I want to express my most sincere “congratulation to the 27th anniversaryof the creation of the Red Army.

“the important decisions, which wesigned in Yalta, will speed up the victory “and lay the stable foundationof a strong world peace. “the heroic victories of the Red Armytogether with the forces of the united nations “provide the achievement of ourcommon goal- peace in the whole world, based on the mutual understandingand collaboration”. The prime ministers of Great BritainChurchill in his message wrote: “The Red Army celebrates its 27thanniversary with the triumph, “which caused the limitlessadmiration of its allies “and which will bring an end tothe German militarism. “The future generations will always rememberand admire what the Red Army did for the victory, as we do now, being the witnesses ofthat great sacrifice for the victory “. Today the Soviet leadership awardedthe orders and the medals to 45 French pilots, a part of a Frenchsquadron “Normandy”, fighting in the Red Army.

February 23, 1945, 09:00=09:00 AM Shtirlitz signed up for apersonal meeting with Himmler. That was an extraordinary measure,but he did not have any other choice now. I understand. That’s right. In his leather folder he had a letterto Himmler.

After he was left without the radio connection with the Center,he simply did not have another choice. To fulfill the assignments of the Centerit was necessary to secure Himmler’s support. Obtaining Himmler’s support andusing him as the official cover, would allow starting a search for those,who plan negotiating with the West. And 30 minutes ago he wrote thefollowing letter to Himmler: To reichsfurer SS, Heinrich Himmler. Strictly secret.

The interests of the nation forceme to write this letter to you. It became known to me from the journalistsources of the neutral countries, that behind the backs SD and SSsome high officials are establishing contacts with the enemy, tryingsell out everything to the enemy. I am asking you to let me explainmy proposals for this problem. Please permit me, using my connections,to inform you in more detail and to propose my plan of thedevelopment of this situation, which seems to me more like a truth. Yours, shtandartenfurer SS Shtirlitz.

If he is asked where did he getsuch information from, he knew, on whom to refer. Three days ago was killed the filmreporter from Portugal Pueblos Wasserman, who was tightly connected withthe Swedes. So, such explanation of the information source, from hispoint of view, was very reliable.

Well, right now he was at Himmler’swithout letting Shellenberg know it. And that was the crudeviolation of the subordination. Shtirlits was realizing that butstill was doing it because he knew that on Wednesdays andFridays Shellenberg worked from house in the country.Today was exactly Friday. You are next, shtandartenfurer.The conversation is 3 minutes only. Bring to reichsfurer the summaryof the killed and injured after the yesterday’s air bombing.Bombing Berlin! But this no one could possiblehave foreseen. Reichsfurer talks toGeneral Paul right now.

Shell we report about you or you willjust go next without announcement? – I need you, Shtirlitz.– I will come back in half-hour. What are you doing in here? You were not in today.

I wantedto report, but you were not in. You were at the airport,and the matter is urgent.

I am here to get a help for thefamily of the killed colonel Krol.What is wrong with his family?-Tomorrow is the last transportation. Everyone was evacuated, but therewas no room for the Krol’s family found. What do you mean “there wasno place found”?

Striking disgrace! Colonel Krol was with reichsfurer sincethe first days of our Nazi movement. As soon as he died we forgot himHow quickly we forget our old friends. I will call on behalf of reichsfurerand take care of it.

That is excellent.Take care of it all by yourself. – Who is there?– Kholman. What did you want, shtandartenfurer? Everything is ready.They await you – you may go now. I need you now, Shtirlitz,for a serious business. What a voice. He reports,as if he is an artist of operetta.


By a voice of stomach and withthe explicit desire to be liked by others. I feel sorry for the administrativeassistants. They always preserve significance.Otherwise people will understand how useless they are.-You are not right, administrative assistants are necessary. He is like a beautiful hunting dog. It is possible to talk to him and ifhe has any brains everyone will envy.

I knew one assistant, whoperformed the role of impresario. He told to everybody about thebrilliance of his manager, finally he had to be killed inan arranged car crash.He was so very melodious.

It irritated.-Did you come up with that right now or is this the truth? -Certainly it just came up with that.-It is funny.

What about your colonel Krol story?Is it a lie too? Hail Hitler, friends. I am so glad to see you, guys.Again contemplating some new insidiousness’s?-Sure, we are always insidious with something.Our insidiousness is nothingcompared to yours. We are simple celestial angelsin comparison to you. It is pleasant some times, thatthey consider you a devil. People die, memory about themremains.

Even such a memory. Well done, Holman. Everythingin order and done fast. Every one has his special way!Don’t you think?

Funny, Dietrich had freckles,but I never noticed them. Did you know him? -Your adjutant on the special commissions.-A complete change of guards. Let’s talk about theserious business, Shtirlitz.

I now need your pastor. Pastor Shlags, isn’t it?Is he still alive and healthy? Is he still living with his nephewsand sister on Gartenshtrasse, 2? He is living there and is healthy. I need your pastor.

I want to send him to Switzerland. But I hope, you do notwant to send him to a mountain resort? He will go theresearching for peace. So you mean that the pastor would come back if we take hissister with the children as hostages? I think, without a doubt he will return.

One ton large bombs, not less than that.Are they flying away? Or they not?-They are flying away, but just to take more bombs.

So, are you sure that after thepastor returns he will not talk about the fact that you sent himthere for establishing the contacts? It depends who will ask him questions. It would be a good idea, if youwould happen the tape recordings of his conversation, and he himself wouldsomehow gets killed during an air bombing.I will think about it.-For how long? I would request a permission tothink the idea through.How long will you be thinking the idea through?-By tonight I will come with a solution. This is good. Does Reichsfurer know about your ideaof sending the pastor to search for peace? Let’s say “No”.

Is that clear?– Completely clear. I am so glad that you so accuratelyunderstand everything. – It is very pleasant for me to workwith you, Shtirlitz. – For me too.You look so angry?-I look angry? I am not angry. You know, when I am angry,I look much gloomier.

Now I am simply trying to think. If everything turns out right you willbe able to rest in the mountains for 5 days. There are excellent ski slops, thesnow is blue, the sunburn is brown. We forgot during the war aboutso many wonderful things in life. First of all, we forgot ourselves. Like coats in the cloakroomafter a heavy drinking on Easter. – How long ago did you start writing poems?– I never wrote poems at all.

A small lie gives birth to alarge distrust. I wrote everything inmy life, besides the poems.

You can’t rhyme?– I have idiosyncrasy to the rhyme. He was today on the brink of acomplete failure and discovery. Now, when 2 hours passed afterhe left Himmler’s reception area, he more than ever understood, thathe was on the brink of his failure.

And nevertheless, he considered thatthe today’s day may be one of the most successfuldays of his life. Firstly because after what happened today,he still was alive. Secondly because he knew now that the negotiationshave started and they were started by Himmler. He could have been so close tofinding it out and still And still could never havefound that out at all.

Now he knows it. This is themain thing now. He now realized that pastor’srelease was planned in advance and that the pastor willbe used as a scapegoat, and that Shellenberg decidedeverything in advance. Now, once he knew all of that,it was possible to act. Now he needs to drawn correctconclusions and act according to them. Shellenberg believes, that the pastorwill become a false figure in the game, a scapegoat. What operation?Shtirlitz didn’t know that yet.

One thing is clear that the pastor isa bait, a cover up, a scapegoat. That’s how Shellenberg had plannedeverything. But he did not consider that the pastor Shlag has in Switzerlandgood strong connections.

Which means, it is necessary to force pastor Shlag,to use his influence against those, who will send him to Switzerland,-thought Shtirlitz, Shtirlitz was hoping to use thepastor as an extra channel of communication with the Center.Now the pastor was going to play. A different role, a more critical one.For the pastor it is now necessary to prepare such a legend, whichwill cause a serious counter-interest toward other Germans, who arrivedor who will be arriving to Switzerland for negotiations. But the pastor alone means much andmeans nothing. Extra insurance is necessary. It is still necessary to sendthere someone else. Someone like professor Pleishner, whowas helping him for many years. But Karl Pleishner died, andconnections with the group of German resistance were brokenwith his death.

To find a person like him was extremelyhard or simply not possible for one evening. Here is your, coffee. It is clear that an additionalperson was required. An extra insurance was necessary. Also was clear the other thing. Shtirlitz wanted to use Himmlerin his game as a powerful cover, now he became the main opposing power. And it is again necessary to search for another powerful person whose supportwill help Shtirlitz in his fight.

February 23, 1945 Today will be a day off,thought Shtirlitz. If not a whole day, then at leastan evening off. Today is February 23, the Red Army Day. This was the day,which colonel Isaev celebrated always. He celebrated it differently,depending on the circumstances.

Leningrad, 1942 Stalingrad, 1943 Moscow, 1944 February 23, 1945, 21:35=09:35 PM For several days Aysman wasoccupied by the papers of Shtirlitz’s work. He’s been through a pile of documents,but in no way he could understand, why Shtirlitz fell under the suspicion? “under the cap”, as it was calledin the department. File of Fritz Shlag.

A catholic priest.Arrested 23 June 1944 Accused of hating the regime andtrying to kill the Fuhrer. A decision to arrest the pastorreceded by two denunciations.

Both of them were from theparishioners of his own church. In the denunciations was indicated thatthe pastor calls for the peace and the brotherhood with all the peoples.He condemned the barbarism of wars and unreasonableness of bloodshed.Investigation discovered that the pastor met with the former ministerKrauze, who has emigrated and lives now in Switzerland. They hadstrong friendly relations. However there were no indications onpolitical connections of former Minister Krauze and the pastor. There wasnothing about that in the pastor’s file. Aysman was puzzled.

Why the pastor wastransferred to the intelligence? Why wasn’t he sent in the Gestapo?Why he became interesting for the Shellenberg’s people? He found theanswer in a short note, attached to the file. “Pastor Shlag twice activelyparticipated in pacifist meetings abroad.” -“They were interested in hisforeign connections”, understood Aisman. They were interested in his contactsand that’s why the intelligence took him. Therefore he was transferred to Shtirlitz.

And what Shtirlitz has to do with it?Nothing at all. He just carried out the order.

Special archive, please. I am Aisman from the 4th department. Will you please look in thearchive, whether there are recordings of a pastorShlag’s questioning by shtandartenfurer Shtirlitz.What if you wouldn’t a pastor?-I am against such a speculative admittance. Let me rephrase the question then: Let’s say, if you would be defrockedfrom the church. Would you then participate in the fight against theregime? You already asked me about that before.

Nine days ago. When youbrought me to that cute small restaurant. Nevertheless, please answer!

Would you start fighting againstthe regime, if you would be defrocked from the church? I do not know.My entire life I hated violence. But for any one comes a moment,when he no longer can bear it. Were you scared in the prison? I am scared through all the11 years of your authority. That’s demagogy. Were you scared every single daythat spent in the prison?

Yes, every single day. You wouldn’t want to go here again?If we would assume a miracle, -that you will be allowed towalk out free? -I wouldn’t want to have anythingwith any of you in general. And what if I would have a smallcondition attached to your freedom?

No, I am not about spying on others.We have enough informants. You sure wanted to ask about that?


No, my condition is completely different. I just want you to maintain with megood, human relationships. Do you want me to try changingmy personality or do you want – me to be a part of your games?– I want you to be a part of our games.

In such case I must be convinced, that the goal, which you pursue ispure good and not evil. Otherwise it is impossible for meto answer you positively. Consider that my purposes areexcess of honesty and goodness. What will you order me to do?

I closely know a few people of science,party functionaries and journalists. No, those are not from the opposition.They fanatically devoted to the regime. It would be of a greatinterest to me if you would talk with them. I will not ask you to write reportsabout those conversations, I may not be sure that there will beno dictaphones placed behind the wall, but you can go outside or into theforest and have a talk there. I would be interested to hear youropinion about that degree of evil or good, which you could identifyin those people.

Could you do such a smallservice for me? Either you excessively entrust me and are asking for help you becauseyou can’t ask any one else about that, either you are lying to me, thenthis conversation is totally in vain and we will not find a common ground again.You will remain a Nazi functionary, and I will remain a person,who elects the other way, in order not to become afunctionary like you. What would convince you thatI am not lying to you? Will you please look into my eyes? Shell we consider this as anestablishment of trust between us? And that the agreement is almost signed? Hey you, steppe, you are so wide.

Hey you, steppe, you arefull of freedom and joy. Oh you, Mother Volga river, Volga river you are so freeand wonderful. Get to me the information aboutpastor Shlag’s behavior in prison. Everything about his personality,contacts, conversations etc. The maximum of details.

The answer, which was prepared inone hour, proved to be unexpected. Pastor Shlag was released from theprison in February 1945. In his case it was impossible tounderstood, if he did agree to work for SD or his release was the consequenceof other incomprehensible reasons. In the file there was only a singleSpecial note from Shellenberg to let the pastor out underthe supervision of Shtirlitz. – Is that everything?– Almost.

One more little thing. A special secret agent worked with pastorSharg after his release from the jail.

– Where are his reports?– He was only directly connected to Shtirlitz. So there were no records or reports at all?

In the interests of the operationthere were no reports or records conducted. Find this agent for me. But secretly, so that only threepeople would know about that. You, me and that agent himself. End of part 4.

Translated by Fooper01.

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