Hakuouki Shinsengumi Game

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In, Japan, near the end of the, a young boy is being chased through the streets at night by a pair of revolutionaries loyal to the Emperor. Hiding in an alley, the boy is horrified to witness his pursuers' brutal murder at the hands of demonic looking men with, who laugh maniacally as they hack their victims to pieces. When the fiends turn their attention to the boy, his life is only spared by the timely appearance of two samurai belonging to a group of powerful warriors loyal to the Shogun, known as. Unsure just where the boy's loyalties lie, the Shinsengumi take him into custody and return him to their headquarters.The next day, they are ' to discover that the 'boy' being held prisoner is, in fact, a girl named Chizuru Yukimura. Chizuru came to Kyoto in search of her missing father, an accomplished doctor of western medicine who she suddenly lost contact with several months ago. When the Shinsengumi reveal that they too have been in search of Dr.

Yukimura in relation to the strange attacks that have been plaguing the city, they allow Chizuru to remain under their care and assist with the search. Agreeing to continue living as a boy so as not to distract the men who serve her new benefactors, Chizuru quickly becomes acclimated to their lifestyle and grows to genuinely care for each of them. Her life soon becomes anything but peaceful, as the Shinsengumi's enemies seek to overthrow the Shogun and those loyal to him at any cost. At the same time, both the numbers and ferocity of the crazed men that Chizuru's protectors cryptically refer to as 'failed soldiers' continue to increase. In the midst of one of the most chaotic eras in Kyoto's history, Chizuru grows determined to do everything she can to protect the lives of her new comrades.Hakuōki (often as Hakuouki or Hakuoki) is a popular video game franchise developed by, and originally released in Japan in 2008. The series comprises eight different games: two main titles and a fan-disc first released on the, two spinoffs, and three handheld. Most of the games have been ported to multiple platforms (namely:, and ).

Achievement Acquired:.:. Hijikata tries to pull this on Kondou, but Kondou isn't having any of it.

In the anime, Kondou's choice to surrender and entrust the Shinsengumi to Hijikata prompts Okita to perform a protecting Hijikata.: Humorously performed via third party in the visual novel, during the scene in which Sen and Kimigiku arrive to ask Chizuru to leave with them. When Nagakura fails to recognize Kimigiku as the same woman who waited on them in Shimabara, Harada helpfully advises him to look at her face instead of her chest.: Played for drama in many horrible ways. Notably, one of Okita's bad endings in the remaster has him kill Chizuru after losing his mind to bloodlust, only to get it back in time to see he's stabbed Chizuru straight through the chest. This prompts Okita to ask himself something like this.: Pretty much every single member of the Shinsengumi in Hakuoki has said this with no exceptions.Which makes sense.

They're Samurai. They're half the reason this is a thing.: Furies crumble into dust when their lifeforce is used up. This happens to Heisuke and Sanan and is heavily implied to have happened to Okita.:.: In his route in Zuisoroku and his OVA, Hijikata runs into a snag when he tries to extricate Chizuru from her brief stint spying at Sumiya - the barker at the gate takes her for the geisha she's dressed as and assumes he's trying to elope with her without clearing her debt. Trying to explain that she's not actually a geisha fails to convince anyone, and it apparently takes Hijikata a while afterwards to live down the rumors.: Hakuouki Sekkaroku.: Furies are turned by drinking the water of life, a red liquid originally made from demonic blood. Like vampires, they are that.

This is brought up sometimes, but only in some routes, such as the end of Sanan's: It's mentioned that 'western demons' are known as 'Vampires' in the west.:. In the normal ending of the game Shinsengumi Kitan, Chizuru finds herself gazing up at the sky where she sees the backs of her friends in their pale blue haori, the bright summer day a stark contrast to their fate. Hekketsuroku's ending is heavily based on the normal ending.

Chizuru sees a vision of the Shinsengumi's banner, 'Makoto' (sincerity), fluttering overhead and then, one by one, the men who fought under it. Ibuki's portion of of Hijikata's route in Reimeiroku ends with Ibuki staring at the horizon over the Tama River.

The final scene features a cloudy sunset. Reimeiroku, the anime, ends with a view of the sky.: Hijikata, Saito, and Okita recognize Chizuru as a girl the moment she speaks, and Harada and Sanan at least suspect.

Only Kondou, Heisuke and Nagakura are actually surprised to learn of her sex, and even Heisuke notes that he thought Chizuru was kind of girly looking.: The anime ends with Hijikata finally defeating Kazama and then collapsing into Chizuru's arms.: Ultimately, Chizuru becomes one of the strongest things holding the Shinsengumi captains together. Pretty much everyone who leaves or dies has to part with her in particular.: Hakuouki Reimeiroku depicts the events surrounding the formation of the Shinsengumi, already an established group by the time Chizuru arrives in Kyoto in Shinsengumi Kitan. Toki no Kizuna is a more distant prequel set during the Warring States Period and primarily focused on demon history and politics which were briefly referenced during the first game.: The water of life has:.its:.: The powers it grants are similar to those of demons:, and endurance, plus short of a heart-shot or decapitation.and:.: Most furies are useless as soldiers because they go berserk at the first sight or scent of blood. Even the major characters who become furies suffer from crippling bouts of increasingly painful craving for blood, so severe that if their condition is not carefully managed even like Saito can lose their sanity.: Their regenerative powers.: end up shortly after taking the water of life.:, Yamazaki,.: The Shinsengumi captains.

Kondou and Hijikata are the sons of farmers who wouldn't even be allowed to carry swords if the Shinsengumi had not received special permission to do so; Saito is a left-handed swordsman and an exile from his home domain; Heisuke is the bastard son of the Lord of Tsu; Okita is an orphan. By Shinsengumi Kitan the group has achieved some legitimacy, but Reimeiroku shows more clearly how unlikely a bunch they are.: The furies, who are most certainly, and Kazama, who is even more incredibly dangerous.: Shimabara in Kyoto, Yoshiwara in Edo.: Referenced in the title and lyrics of Kyoto Ranbu's ending theme, 'Kurenai no Ito' ('Thread of Crimson').

The string of life, the red thread of fateWill defeat time.: The player's primary objective in Shinsengumi Kitan and Reimeiroku is to forge a bond between the protagonist and one of the main characters. Failing to do so often leads to, ranging from to.: Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan and its fan-disc, Hakuouki Zuisouroku.: Everyone in the Shinsengumi, as warriors not in the direct service of a lord. Some few, like Nagakura, are ronin by choice, but most - if they were even born to samurai families to begin with - are not.: Hijikata's godawful haiku.: Everywhere. What it means to be a samurai, and who can or can't be one, is a subject discussed at considerable length throughout the various storylines.: Pretty much everyone before the switch to Western uniforms.: The characterizations of Kazama, Sanan, and to a lesser extent Kodo vary in the game depending on which route you end up on. In addition, Kaoru is only relevant to the plot in three routes: Okita's, Sakamoto's, and Sanan's; disappearing completely from all others.: Well, this thing is about samurai.

Harada bears a scar from an unsuccessful past attempt, and throughout the story there are repeated references to men hoping to commit seppuku rather than be executed as criminals, being forced to do so as punishment for breaking the Shinsengumi code of conduct, or declaring their willingness to do so in order to make a point.: Sen just generally wants Chizuru to be happy, but in Hijikata's route of the game she's actively encouraging of Chizuru's feelings for him, even before Chizuru is sure of her feelings herself.: A Shinsengumi health inspection that even involved a! In Sweet School Life.: Silver counteracts the fury, something that the Shinsengumi learn unpleasantly when their enemies start using silver bullets. In Okita's route, taking several of these puts him out of commission until after the Koufu debacle.: Hijikata versus Kazama at the end of Hijikata's route of the game. In his good ending, Hijikata avoids Kazama's blade; in the bad ending it's a.: Chizuru watches the snow fall with Saito in his good ending, and Sanan and Chizuru are walking in the snow together at the end of his.: Hijikata in spades.: The opening sequence of the first season shows Hijikata's transformation into a fury, which only occurs in the last episode of the season. The end sequence of the same season more or less spoils Kaoru's status as a villain.: Demons and, to a lesser degree, furies possess all of the following powers:.: Saito and, to a lesser extent, Hijikata. Also Kyuuju Amagiri, who always fights rather grudgingly, and has several extremely polite and understated confrontations with Saito.: Chizuru isn't voiced in any of the games that feature her as the protagonist, but she is in Reimeiroku and Bakumatsu Musouroku.: When a demon activates their full power, their eyes turn bright gold. The trope is subverted, on the other hand, by Sanosuke, who has golden eyes but is completely human and is the only potential love interest in the game who never drinks the Water of Life in any route.:.

Demons become more powerful when they into their demonic forms, characterized by their, and horns. The Shinsengumi furies who manage to control their transformations use it like this. They keep the bulk of their powers suppressed most of the time, going into white-haired, red-eyed fury mode when they need to use the full extent of their abilities.: The Fury Corps was initially meant to be a squad of super soldiers., their many tend to make deploying them a.: Chizuru dresses as a boy when she travels alone to Kyoto because openly traveling alone as a woman would be much more difficult and more dangerous. When she enters the protection of the Shinsengumi, she keeps up the facade at Hijikata's insistence to avoid causing problems with the group's rank-and-file soldiers.: The OVA Sekkaroku with a different episode focusing on one character and their POV for the same story:.

Okita is the one to suggest Chizuru to be an undercover geisha for the Shinsengumi. But since he is ordered to stay at headquarters due to his coughing, Okita misses a lot of what happened that night and only hears and sees snippets of the story, like seeing Hijikata returning to headquarters with the dressed up Chizuru in the middle of the night. Saito and Yamazaki offer themselves as bodyguards for Chizuru and are involved in a lot of the fighting at the geisha house, starting with two lecherous men flirting with Chizuru. Heisuke is worried about Chizuru's safety during the whole time, returns to base to urge Kondou and Hijikata to take Chizuru off the mission. Kondou agrees and Heisuke rushes back to the house, wonders where Chizuru has disappeared to and then joins the fighting with Yamazaki. Hijikata, ordered by Kondou to check up on Chizuru, arrives at the geisha house in the middle of the fighting.

Saito tells Hijikata to take Chizuru to safety. Unfortunately for him, bystanders mistakes him for eloping with a cute geisha girl. Kazama arrives after Heisuke left the room, attempting to kiss Chizuru. Osen then arrives to rescue Chizuru and allows her to escape and rejoin with Saito and later Hijikata.: The bread and butter of the series.: Okita for Chizuru in his route, just as intended by Kaoru. Chizuru for Sanosuke in his route. Examples which involve swords instead of actual bullets include Yamazaki for Hijikata, Kodo for Chizuru in several routes, Okita for Chizuru again in one of his bad endings, and Chizuru for Hijikata in one of his bad endings.: Almost everyone gets one last speech, be they a speech before a in the middle of battle with explosions all around stopping for the speech, or the after being mortally wounded.: Demon names tend to have the character '千' ('a thousand') incorporated into them, either directly or as a component of another kanji. Characters whose names sport this character include Chizuru, Sen, Kazama (in his given name of Chikage), and Kaoru, as well as Chitose Kazama, Kazuya Yukimura, Kazutake Amagiri, and Shin Shiranui in Hakuoki's distant prequel game Toki no Kizuna.

In Kyoto Ranbu, Kazama specifically takes note of Chizuru's given name (meaning 'a thousand cranes') as part of the proof that she is a demon.: There are a number of examples in the game, the most emphatic being Chizuru and then Hijikata's furious declarations to Kazama after the latter kills Inoue in the visual novel, and the Shinsengumi's reactions to Kondou's beheading.: 'Hakuoki' is dropped in the final episode; it means, roughly, 'pale cherry-blossom demon,' as per the game's localized title. It's a name given to Hijikata by Kazama as acknowledgement that he is worthy of being called a demon. /: The title music starts playing for the first time during the game just as Hijikata and Kazama are about to have their climactic final duel.: In Reimeiroku, Serizawa gets angry at a pair of geisha who refuse to dance naked for him, and demands their hair be cut off - a very big deal, since they won't be able to keep working as geisha with short hair. Hijikata ends up unwillingly performing the actual cutting to prevent the situation from escalating further.: Shinsengumi Kitan, Zuisouroku, and Reimeiroku.: Especially when seen from Chizuru's angle in the Normal route.:, Okita takes in a stray cat and names it 'Toshizo.' Hijikata is not amused when he finds out.: Okita wants nothing but to be helpful to Kondou and earn his approval.

This mostly leads to heartache, because he quickly becomes convinced (with some help from Serizawa's manipulation) that the only thing he can do for Kondou is use his exceptional skill with a sword to kill Kondou's enemies, while Kondou would just as soon Okita not get his hands dirty. This is also the source of Okita's jealousy and resentment toward Hijikata, the person on whom Kondou relies the most.: Chizuru is rarely given the chance to dress as a woman.: In each of their respective routes, Hijikata, Okita, and Heisuke all end up finding a new reason to live in Chizuru after everything else they've valued has been destroyed or lost all meaning.:. Confrontations between Saito and Amagiri are almost always extremely polite and respectful, especially on 's side. By the end of Saito's path in the visual novel, Amagiri's respect for Saito prompts him to turn against Kazama in disgust. Kazama and Hijikata, meanwhile, spend most of the story trading vitriol, but Hijikata's unwavering determination and valor gradually earn Kazama's respect, to the point that Kazama ultimately acknowledges Hijikata as a true demon.: Inoue in Hijikata's route and in the anime,. Saito in episode 19 of the anime as well. None of them ever work note although historically, Saito survived his final battle and was taken prisoner under a fake name.

Sentai FilmworksReleasedMarch 8, 2014 ( 2014-03-08)Runtime87 minutesAnime television seriesHakuoki OtogisōshiDirected byParako ShinoharaStudioHakuoki ( 薄桜鬼 〜新選組奇譚〜, Hakuoki Shinsengumi Kitan, Demon of the Fleeting Blossom: The Mysterious Tale of the Shinsengumi) is an series by, released for the PlayStation 2 and ported to PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable (VITA), Nintendo DS, and Nintendo 3DS. It has been adapted into an anime series by; the first season began airing in Japan on the and UHF stations on April 4, 2010.

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The second season began airing on October 10, 2010 and ended on December 12, 2010. The series has been adapted as two different manga series. A third series based on the prequel, Hakuoki Reimeiroku aired in summer of 2012.Two films were released in 2013 and 2014. The first was released in August 2013 and was released on DVD February 2014. The film is a retelling of both seasons in greater detail and with a slightly different ending. The second film was released on March 8, 2014. The anime television series and films have been licensed by in North America.

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Hakuouki shinsengumi games

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