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Looking to discover new worlds and new characters to fall in love with? Check out our list of the best fantasy books of all-time below.Good fantasy have been transporting people to other places and times for hundreds of years. There’s something about quest stories and magical powers that continues to captivate us. There’s also something about seeing your favorite ten-book series lined up on your bookshelf.Today, fantasy has truly broken into the mainstream with the success of A Game of Thrones. True fans have known for decades that fantasy isn’t just for kids, even though most of the world is just realizing this—but true fantasy fans also know that some of the best fantasy writing is children’s literature.Let’s dig into our list of the top 50 fantasy books for adults below:See Also:. Did you get to the end of this list only to be told to read the most influential modern fantasy series? Yes, yes you did.

Without the world of Middle Earth, there might not be Dungeons & Dragons as we know it. So many of today’s archetypal quests are based on the moment when Bilbo Baggins and company encounter three trolls—this scene is the blueprint for “encounters”, whether they’re in tabletop RPGs, video games, movies, or books.Today, we’ve seen series like Harry Potter and A Song of Ice and Fire reach incredible levels of popularity around the world, but will either of these stand out in sixty years? The best they can hope for is being mentioned in the same breath as Tolkien’s masterpieces.Of course, with its popularity, it should be no surprise that there’s a in the works at Amazon. If Tolkien laid the foundation for 20th century fantasy, then Rowling laid the next generation.

Like it or not, we’ll be seeing echoes of Harry Potter for decades. Though the series was derivative at the time it was written, people now think of Dumbledore as often as they think of Merlin or Gandalf when they hear the word “wizard.”Without Harry Potter on your shelf, you will be missing references for decades—this is the series that multiple generations grew up with, and it will permeate fantasy culture and beyond for a long time. So if you love good fantasy books about magic and wizardry, the Harry Potter series is one of the best fantasy series of all-time. When the late Ursula K. Le Guin wrote A Wizard of Earthsea, she did so to invert common fantasy tropes with her dark-skinned protagonist and examination of what a wise wizard looks like when they’re young and reckless.That was in 1968, and today, her Earthsea books continue to invert today ’s tropes—because authors are still writing plenty of quest stories and high fantasy.

This fifty-year-old series was ahead of its time, and it’s a sign that the genre of fantasy literature still has plenty to explore. Sir Terry Pratchett’s unique satire and worldbuilding will no doubt preserve Discworld among fantasy’s most beloved series—and that isn’t just because there are 47 published works in the series.Discworld is a colorful, slightly demented world that rests on the back of a cosmic turtle named the Great A’Tuin. Pratchett pulls apart all sorts of fantasy tropes, all held together with his unique voice and humor. Discworld is required reading for the fantasy genre.We also love that Pratchett knows how to write, as we mentioned on our list of the best. With Amazon’s planned adaptation of Robert Jordan’s epic 14-book series in development, this is a great time to read the series that defined 90s fantasy. Jordan’s epic series (which was completed by Brandon Sanderson after Jordan’s passing) explores a magic-filled world with 2,700 named characters. The series stands out for its magic systems and a great cast of female point-of-view protagonists, particularly later in the series.

It’s long and sometimes slow, but there’s no journey quite like The Wheel of Time.You might want to read this one sooner rather than later, though, as there’s a in the works, too! Though these sit somewhere between sci-fi and fantasy, they’re still essential fantasy reading. McCaffrey’s Pern books feature dragons who form telepathic connections with their chosen riders. There are over 20 published books in the series, and many different suggested reading orders (which is up for debate, as with most long series).

Though the books can be problematic, their influence on both sci-fi and fantasy is undeniable. If you like your reading with a healthy dose of dragons, this series is a must-read. If you’re a fan of the show but haven’t read the books yet, dig into the source material that has defined three decades of fantasy while you wait for the final season. Or, if you don’t have HBO, skip the show and read the books!If morally gray characters and dramatic plot twists are your thing, this series cannot be overlooked.

There’s no doubt that this has been recommended to you many times, so here’s one more. Martin has created one of fantasy’s greatest sagas.

Hopefully, the final two novels will give the series the ending it deserves. What happens when an anthropologist writes a book series based on a long-running RPG campaign? You get a sprawling, thoroughly researched fantasy world filled with unusual cultures and varied characters. Often seen as a sort of Dark Souls of fantasy literature, these books are great for longtime fantasy fans but may be intimidating to new comers to the genre.

Take notes, find a reading guide, and maybe convince a friend to read the series with you. Malazan is a beast to read, but it’s well worth the struggle. Robin Hobb’s The Realm of the Elderlings books, which began in 1995 with Assassin’s Apprentice, take place in a world with a fascinating magic system and compelling (and often very flawed) characters. Hobb’s prose is the real force behind the series, though her worldbuilding and characters alone make these books worth reading.Hobb has written five series set in the Realm of the Elderlings, many of which are self-contained.

It’s unclear whether she will return to this world, but we can hope —each series has been well received, particularly her more recent entries. Tad Williams’ Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy solidified his legacy as one of fantasy’s greats.

Though the series may not seem original today, that’s only because its influence has been far-reaching—George R. Martin has attributed the inspiration for A Song of Ice and Fire to Williams’s phenomenal trilogy. Beginning with The Dragonbone Chair, the trilogy introduces Williams’s dark and magical world of Osten Ard. With Williams returning to this classic fantasy world in his new The Last King of Osten Ard cycle, it’s time to read (or revisit) his classic, The Dragonbone Chair. Gemmell’s Drenai books chronicle the feats of Druss the Legend and other heroes of the Drenai people. His stories use archetypal characters in the best way, often pushing them to their limits through their conflicting goals and perspectives.

Each book in the series is unique in its plot or structure, making this a great series to read straight through. And, unlike most epic fantasy, Gemmell’s books are often short and digestible, with writing that is boiled down to the essentials of story and character. Brandon Sanderson is a student of the masters, and The Stormlight Archive is his magnum opus and tribute to the fantasy genre. In addition to being 1,200 pages long, the books are also filled with detailed illustrations from a handful of artists. Though only three books of a planned ten have been released so far, this series has a lot of momentum and an ever-growing fanbase. Martin and Patrick Rothfuss continue their dry spells, Sanderson will probably take over as the most popular fantasy author of today.

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You can read more about why you should read The Stormlight Archive. Written during Stalin’s regime, The Master and Margarita envisions Satan creating chaos among the literati of Soviet Russia. Parallel to this story is the tale of Pontius Pilate and the execution of Yeshua in ancient Jerusalem. This is the sort of novel that may make you feel as if you’re losing your mind alongside Satan’s many victims.

Bulgakov’s writing can be difficult to follow (and this will depend on which translation you read), but the confusion can be deliberate. Getting lost in the terrors of this novel is a part of the ride. Janny Wurts’s intricate, well-researched epic fantasy series tells the story of the half-brothers Arithon, Master of Shadow; and Lysaer, Lord of Light. Wurts has always sought to create gritty, realistic fantasy in a world with many cultures and moving parts. Her unique world is the result of many years of worldbuilding and illustration. Wurts illustrates all of her own covers.Her prose is dense, and ten books (with one more shortly on the way) is a lot, but Wurts’s books are impressive works of high fantasy that have aged well. Rothfuss’s prose and poetry evoke cozy taverns and evenings around a campfire in his bestselling fantasy trilogy, which began with The Name of the Wind in 2007.

The books follow the legendary Kvothe as he retells his youthful adventures to a historian.The frame story is a lot of fun, and Kvothe’s tales of university days make this series a sort of fantasy “slice of life.” Though we’re all still waiting on the final installment, the first two books stand well on their own. In fact, the first two novels are enough to get fans thinking about many different for the upcoming third book.I’d recommend checking this one out soon as well, as there’s now a in the works. As far as intricate, mathematical magic systems go, it doesn’t get much better than the original Mistborn trilogy. Each book in the series builds on the last and has its own feel, and the world Sanderson has created has a fascinating history that is explored thoroughly.

Sanderson has four planned “eras” set in the same world, each one several generations apart from the last, exploring an evolving world. Some readers fault the series for its video-game-style action, but that’s all a part of the fun.Check out everything you need to know about universe here. If you’ve read a good deal of modern fantasy, there’s a good chance you’ll appreciate Grossman’s satirical, knowingly derivative Magicians trilogy, whose inspiration is a mix of Harry Potter and Narnia.The first book, covers a span of several years, and its sequel, The Magician King, is a strong follow-up that sets itself apart from the first in its thriller-like plot. The characters are hard to like at times, but they’re fun to read about—and Grossman’s clever, tongue-in-cheek style is endlessly fun. One of fantasy’s most divisive series is also one of the bestsellers, with over 20 million copies sold.

Terry Goodkind’s epic fantasy series begins with Wizard’s First Rule and follows the Seeker of the Truth, Richard Cypher, in his adventures against the dark powers of the world. Though the series isn’t the most original, it does draw on a bit of everything, making it packed with varieties of magic and mythical creatures.Goodkind may be preachy, but there’s a lot of fun and adventure to be had with these dark, brutal books.


Seen by many as the counter to C. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, Philip Pullman’s trilogy begins with The Golden Compass and tells the story of the bold Lyra and her journeys between worlds. One thing these books do well is focus on both small- and large-scope issues, connecting us with the characters who inhabit dangerous and complex worlds. This classic young adult series deals with dark and difficult problems and should be required reading—rather than being banned.With Pullman working on finishing a new follow-up trilogy, this is a great time to dive into His Dark Materials. A young orphan finds himself in the center of a conflict between the powerful forces of Order and Chaos in Feist’s classic series, which begins with Magician. Feist has written quite a lot since Magician, making him one of fantasy’s most read voices, but this classic trilogy a great place to start. Inspired by tabletop RPGs, this series has a trope-y feel to it that is nostalgic and charming.If you’ve already read The Riftware Saga and love Feist’s style, we definitely urge you to check out his latest, which is the first entry in the Fireman Saga series.

The books that inspired the best selling video game franchise are just as beloved, particularly in Europe. The Witcher books (sometimes novels, sometimes short story collections), follow Geralt of Rivia as he seeks to rid the world of evil creatures.So far, eight books have been released in Sapkowski’s Witcher books. If your story in didn’t go as planned, give the books a shot. And if you think The Witcher 3 is one of the best fantasy games of all-time, the book series is one of the best fantasy books of all-time also — you’ve GOT to check it out!Of course, the Witcher series is everywhere, too, and there’s even a Netflix series in the works starring. With his pseudo-historical and low-magic style, Guy Gavriel Kay creates a convincing world in Tigana.

A tyrant has kept a people from their homeland—few can even remember it. But a brave collection of passionate characters stand up for their home and their culture. There aren’t enough standalones in fantasy, and this epic is neatly packaged in one volume.Kay is known for his low-conflict plots and well-written characters. If you need a break from the melee of popular fantasy, it’s hard to go wrong with Tigana or his The Lions of Al-Rassan. In one of the earliest examples of time travel fiction (which also makes this a sci-fi novel of sorts), Mark Twain explores the possible consequences of an educated 19th century man being transported to the time of King Arthur, where he is mistaken for a magician. Hank Morgan, the unwitting time-traveler, becomes the nemesis of Merlin, and ultimately gains influence in the land of Camelot.If reading the name “Mark Twain” incites queasy memories of high school English class, try to forget your initial impression of his writing.

Twain’s humor resonates through time and likely always will. This is a great starting place if you’ve never read a book by the original celebrity author. In a reversal of the traditional “magic university” plot, The Black Magician is set in Kyralia, a world where magic is preserved for the elite. When a girl from the slums of Imardin named Sonea discovers powerful magic of her own, the Magicians’ Guild attempts to capture her for her own good and for the safety of the city. Sonea, naturally, has very different plans.If you enjoy the setting of Kyralia, Trudi Canavan’s Traitor Spy Trilogy is set after the events in the original trilogy.

Canavan is an outstanding worldbuilder with many great series to explore. Set in a world filled with magical users and creatures of all sorts, The Dresden Files is told from the perspective of Harry Dresden, a wizard, and private investigator. This series draws on classic fantasy tropes in the best way, pitting Harry against ghosts and zombies, as well as some clever re-imaginings of traditional mythological creatures. These books imagine a world that is both incredibly magical and charmingly familiar.For light, humorous fantasy, The Dresden Files is a great choice. And if you enjoy the first book, there are fifteen in total, and more on the way.Now, in 2019, The Dresden Files now has its own graphic novels, roleplaying pen and paper game, tabletop game, and, most recently, Fox has optioned for a new So, it’s pretty much all over the place now, with plenty of mediums for you to consume. Set in the Venice-inspired city of Camorr, The Lies of Locke Lamora introduces the quick-tongued Locke and his band of thieves, con artists, and general tricksters.

This is an action-filled heist story in a setting that feels earthly and otherworldly at the same time.Though the second and third books have been received with mixed feelings from fans, the first book stands out as a favorite of many fantasy readers, and the series is planned to be seven books long. There is plenty more to explore in Lynch’s detailed and well-realized world.

. By iSunshare. Jan 3, 20195 Cheapest SSDs Review in 2019Summary: This article tests the read and write speed of 5 SATA 3 SSD in order to find which one has the best performance and tells you how to choose a good performance SSD from dozens of Solid State Disks.The three most important parts of a computer are CPU, memory and disk. For most users, it is an easy and quickly way to upgrade HDD to SSD if they want to speed up a computer and get the better performance. This article reviews 5 cheapest SATA 3 SSDs. Let's go and see which one has the best speed. Reviews for 5 SATA SSDs.

The performance of SanDisk SSD Plus was not optimistic in either 1 GB or 32 GB test environment. The writing ability of SanDisk SSD Plus plummeted in 32 GB test environment.

Because of the biggest writing performance fluctuation, SanDisk SSD Plus become the worst among the five.To explore the performance differences between the five SSDs more intuitively, we let them write single and multiple 30 GB files in continuous and discontinuous conditions respectively. In these processes we use Command Prompt to return the time. We chose Kingston A100(m.2 Socket 3, NVMe protocol support, 240 GB) as the data source. All SSDs in the actual test are full load. At the same time, we tested 3 to 4 times for each data transmission and took the median value.Tips: You can see the command code at.Toshiba Q200 EX writes a single 30 GB file in continuous condition: about 96s.Toshiba Q200 EX writes a single 30 GB file in discontinuous condition: about 88s.Toshiba Q200 EX writes multiple 30 GB files in continuous condition: about 286s.Toshiba Q200 EX writes multiple 30 GB files in discontinuous condition: about 285s.Review: According to the continuous and discontinuous test data, Toshiba Q200 EX has the best transmission performance among the five SSDs. Only the single 30 GB file's transfer speed is slightly slower than Toshiba TR200.Toshiba TR200 writes a single 30 GB file in continuous condition: about 93s.Toshiba TR200 writes a single 30 GB file in discontinuous condition: about 83s.Toshiba TR200 writes multiple 30 GB files in continuous condition: about 550s.Toshiba TR200 writes multiple 30 GB files in discontinuous condition: about 514s.Review: Toshiba TR200's single 30 GB file transfer capacity is the best among the five SSDs.

The time of transfer are less than 100s. However, the performance of transfer 30 GB multiple files greatly reduces, which takes up to 500s directly. It can be seen that Toshiba TR200 has poor random reading and writing performance.Intel 545s writes a single 30 GB file in continuous condition: about 133s.Intel 545s writes a single 30 GB file in discontinuous condition: about 132s.Intel 545s writes multiple 30 GB files in continuous condition: about 313s.Intel 545s writes multiple 30 GB files in discontinuous condition: about 305s.Review: Intel 545s ranks in the middle of five SSDs.

Whether for the single file or multiple files transmission, it shows a good and stable transmission property.The Samsung 860 EVO writes a single 30 GB file in continuous condition: about 100s.Samsung 860 EVO writes a single 30 GB file in discontinuous condition: about 112s.Samsung 860 EVO writes multiple 30 GB files files in continuous condition: about 288s.Samsung 860 EVO writes multiple 30 GB files in discontinuous condition: about 286s.Review: Samsung 860 EVO ranks the second in the blank disk test. It is just slightly weaker than Toshiba's Q200 EX in single file transfer.SanDisk SSD Plus writes a single 30 GB file in continuous condition: about 229s.SanDisk SSD Plus writes a single 30 GB file in continuous condition: about 309s.SanDisk SSD Plus writes multiple 30 GB files file in continuous condition: about 617s.SanDisk SSD Plus writes multiple 30 GB files file in discontinuous condition: the time is about 660s.Review: SanDisk SSD Plus has the lowest score of any project. These data indicates that its data transmission capacity is not good enough. In the discontinuous condition, the transmission time of it exceeds 600s. Toshiba Q200 EXToshiba TR200Intel 545sSamsung 860 EVOSanDisk SSD PlusPerformance★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Life-★★★★★★-Price★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Comprehensive★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★As a SSD with MLC particle, Toshiba Q200 EX should have a better experience than TLC particle SSDs. Toshiba Q200 EX' s comprehensive performance is impressive when storage space is abundant.

But its speed and performance are significantly down after it is used more than a half of the capacity.In addition, it fails to find a matching SSD management software. The losing of management software makes users' SSD monitoring and maintenance in cumbersome situation.Toshiba TR200 works well on a small data scale. But when switching to large data scale (especially writing), its performance drops significantly. When doing large-scale data writing, we can see that Toshiba TR200's transmission speed is high at first, but then the speed gradually drops to a stable value (about 100 MB/s).

This is because SSDs with many TLC particles will make some TLC particles work as SLC particles. They call it SLC cache. SLC cache is limited and when it is used up, SSD reading and writing is in full TLC particle mode. This why many TLC particles SSDs have a peak at the beginning of data transmission.In addition, it is the only one of the fives that requires more than 2 minute interval between performance tests. If the interval is too close, the test data will not have credibility because the performance data is too low.Intel 545s is the most balanced performance SSD.

It comes with 256-bit AES algorithm encryption. Although it is the world's first SSD product which uses 64-layers of 3D TLC technology, the comprehensive performance isn't so high. Its advantages maybe 256 MB caching, a five-year warranty and more stable performance.Samsung 860 EVO is the SSD with the best performance which is balanced and stable.

It also has the highest 512 MB cache, warranty standard (5-year or 150TB TBW warranty), the better management software and more diverse encryption algorithms (256-bit AES, TCG Opal, IEEE1667). The RAPID mode also makes it show stronger performance. Samsung 860 EVO is worth recommending.In the five SSDs' tested, SanDisk SSD Plus performs the worst either sequential or random.

It 's hard to imagine that it is SSD. Although MLC particles are used (SanDisk 05446 064G), the lower version controller seems to limit the performance. Toshiba Q200 EX has a similar condition to it. It should be noted that there is more than one version of controller in SanDisk SSD Plus. If the firmware starts with U, it uses Silicon Motion SMZZ46XT controller, which is the low version and is criticized by the common people.We are nearing the end of the test and we rank them from good to bad: Samsung 860 EVO Intel 545s Toshiba Q200 EX Toshiba TR200 SanDisk SSD Plus.

Thank you.Powered by.SLC: S means Single. Each storage unit of SLC only stores 1 bit of data. This method enables SLC to have extremely high stability, reading and writing speed, service life and the lowest error rate. At the same time, the price of it is the highest of the three.MLC: M means Multi.

Each storage unit stores 2 bits of data.TLC: T is Triple. Each storage unit stores 3 bits of data. (Some manufactures label TLC as 3 bits MLC.)These three particles store data as follows:The life span of the above three particles is SLC MLC TLC. Particles just like the parking lots. The more cars there are, the shorter their life span will be. But it should be noted that although TLC with the shortest life of particles, even in heavy use, it is not a problem to use it for 3 to 5 years.

In addition, the SSD will have longer life if it has big capacity regardless of the particle.TLC becomes the most common consumer SSD particle due to its affordable price and good adaptability for most users.Toshiba Q200 EX uses its own 19nm MLC particles (A19). This particle's life and performance have been tested by market.

It has in high competition.Toshiba TR200 is the first retail 3D NAND SSD of Toshiba.Intel 545s is the world’s first SSD using 64-layers 3D TLC technology.SanDisk SSD Plus does not disclose which particles were used, but its controller Silicon Motion SM2246XT only supports SLC and MLC particles. So it can be speculated that MLC particles are used in this SSD.As is mentioned above, we compare the storage space to a parking lot, the controller is the dispatcher of it.A good dispatcher can help all the cars become orderly and fast access. A bad dispatcher make them become congested and slow access. These situations reflected in the computer are the smooth or stuck experience.Compared with SLC and MLC, the situation of TLC is more complex and changeable.

So it is more necessary to have a qualified and excellent controller. Famous controller brands include Marvell, Samsung, Toshiba etc. In recent years, Taiwan’s controllers,such as Phison, Silicon Motion,are developed rapidly.Toshiba Q200 EX's controller was developed by Marvell and Toshiba. It does not support 256-bit AES encryption. Toshiba TR200 use the controller developed by Phison. The controller of SanDisk SSD Plus only supports SLC and MLC particles.Because the speed of CPU and RAM is much faster than SSD, sometimes a large amount of data need to be written in a moment.

However, SSD cannot write all data in a moment. There are some SSDs add the cache module to store data quickly. When the instantaneous data can be quickly stored by the cache module for next writing, we won’t feel the slow caused by disk.Intel 545s has not disclose the built-in cache space, but there is some information which indicates that the design scheme allocates 1 MB cache space for 1 GB.

So it can be speculated that the cache space of Intel 545s should be 256MB.The Samsung 860 EVO 's cache is its own low-power DDR4 SDRAM.Compared with the planar parking lot, the three-dimensional parking lot can store more vehicles in limited space. The emergence of 3D NAND technology simulates the construction of three-dimensional parking lot. Currently, we can experience the 96-layer 3D NAND technology.Three-dimensional storage structure can not only reduce the interference between storage units, but also bring lower temperature and power consumption. As the result, the performance of SSD is further improved.Reading and writing life is a reliable indicator which showcases whether a SSD is durable or not. Generally, 240 GB TLC particles SSD usually have more than 100TB TBW (Total Bytes Written). The TBWwhich is just for writing, reading operation won't affect the SSD's servive life.The emergence of encryption technology effectively protects sensitive data.

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If you lost your small SSD accidentally, others can't read the stored data without your key. Currently some SSDs support 256-bit AES algorithm encryption or are compatible with TCG Opal, IEEE1667 encryption.The RAPID mode of SSD invokes a portion of RAM space as its cache will greatly improve reading and writing capability. It should be noted that the RAPID mode function requires certain RAM space and it can be turned on in SSD management tools.In the five SSD products, only the Samsung 860 EVO has PAPID mode. During the experiment, we compared the speed difference between the RAPID mode on and off.

The result of the test was amazing but the actual experience depends on the daily use test.Samsung 860 EVO's sequential reading and writing speed comparison with RAPID mode OFF and ON (Test tool: AS SSD Benchmark; Blank disk). SequentialNormal modeRAPID mode1G Seq (MB/s)519.79.911794.101G 4K (MB/s)38.8860.0976.52248.301G 4K-64 Thrd (MB/s)374.43.897394.721G Acc.time (ms)0.0500.0510.0430.01910G Seq (MB/s)522.8.G 4K (MB/s)31.G 4K-64Thrd (MB/s)370.94.G Acc.time (ms)0.0560.1440.4420.186Samsung 860 EVO's random reading and write speed comparison with RAPID mode OFF and ON (Test tool: AS SSD Benchmark; Blank disk). From all the above data, some test performance of the Samsung 860 EVO was improved several times after the RAPID mode on.

The value even exceeded the socket peak (the socket peak of SATA 3 was 600 MB/s). By detecting the use of RAM, we found that the amount of RAM used increased by about 10% (8 GB RAM). Therefore the above data could not truly reflect SSD performance but only showed that RAPID mode could significantly improve the system's reading and writing performance.Good management software can help users get the SSD’s better performance and prolong the SSD's life. SSD is generally equipped with corresponding management tools. These tools provide performance testing, TRIM, security erasure, S.M.A.R.T.

Information display, reserved storage space, temperature detection, firmware update, turn on RAPID mode and other functions.Toshiba TR200's management software:Intel 545s' management software:Samsung 860 EVO's management software:SanDisk SSD Plus's management software:We don't get Toshiba Q200 EX's management software but downloaded the appropriate software for other SSDs. It's worth mentioning that Samsung's Samsung Magician is the best software in interface and function.That's all.

After reading this passage, do you get the ways of selecting SSD? If you have any queation, please tell us. Thank you.Powered.

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